How to Know What Spiritual Gift You Have

For much of my Christian upbringing, I was under the impression that the only "real" calling from God was a "phone call to preach" and the about important power that anyone could have was a God-given "spiritual gift" to stand up in front of a crowd and preach sermons — and the louder and more extemporaneous the better!

Merely as I have matured in my faith and biblical agreement, I discovered that mentality to non merely be wrong, but really harmful.

While Scripture clearly places importance on local church pastors and elders as well as spiritual gifts, it likewise clearly teaches that every believer has all kinds of gifts, abilities, and knowledge that can and should exist used for his glory and to "build up" the church (Ephesians 4).

Paul wrote extensively on this topic in his messages, such every bit when he told the Corinthian church that: "there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit... varieties of service, but the same Lord; and... varieties of activities, just it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone" (1 Corinthians 12:4-6).

In this passage, we can clearly encounter that every one of us has all kinds of capabilities that were all given to us past God. A capability is essentially the "ability to do something." It is a skill that we have or at to the lowest degree a propensity for a skill that nosotros could develop.

No matter what the skill is, nosotros were either born with it, we learned information technology along the way, or God supernaturally (or spiritually) gifted it to united states of america after our salvation.

Figuring out our gifts is of import because when we do not utilise our God-given capabilities to government minister to others in our unique calling, non only will we miss out on personal blessings and spiritual growth, but others will miss out on our ministry building and the Church will endure without our contribution.

How Exercise Nosotros Figure Out What Gifts We Have?

The start stride is to discover our gifts through evaluation.

1 style is to accept an assessment or survey, such as any number of spiritual gifts tests or even a strengths-finder type assessment that many workplaces give out.

However, these kinds of tests are short-sighted in that they will only tell u.s.a. what our capabilities already are based on our experiences.

For case, a gifts test may illuminate someone's musical, communication, or leadership abilities while ignoring their yet-to-be-discovered culinary, administration, or carpentry skills.

Another way we can endeavour to identify our abilities is to have some time to do some self-evaluation or even inquire others (especially our pastor or ministry leader) to evaluate u.s.a.. However, while this approach might be constructive in many ways, it tends to be more subjective and not ever based on reality.

For case, our ain ears or our friends' ears may tell us that we can sing well while an objective pianoforte may demonstrate that we are off-central.

Both of these approaches are good and helpful, but to make upwards for their downfalls, someone wanting to find out what their gifts and abilities are should also but kickoff doing something.

It is very often the case that trying to learn and do something new with openness, willingness, and honesty will apace show someone whether or not they have the capability or at least the propensity for it.

Information technology is my opinion, that the world's fastest runner, strongest lifter, best singer, smartest thinker, etc. was never discovered because each of those people either neglected to use their abilities, never learned how to develop their abilities, or were never given the chance to excel in their abilities.

Similarly, the late D.L. Moody is quoted as famously saying: "The world has yet to see what God can practise with [someone] fully consecrated to him."

But identifying our capabilities (whether nosotros were born with them or they were spiritually gifted to u.s.), is only part of the battle. A second important footstep in identifying (and using) our gifts is to railroad train to go better.

Continually Using Our Gifts

When nosotros work to further develop our capabilities, non just practice we detect out just how gifted we actually are in that area, merely we also become more than "useful" in ministry building and "ready for every good work" (Titus 3:1; ii Timothy 2:twenty-21).

A Christian's work ethic should be stronger and aspirations higher than the globe's considering we are ultimately serving the "Male monarch" of the universe, and we know that our life has eternal significance (i Timothy 1:17; Matthew 6:twenty, 10:42).

The world is watching usa to run into if what we say we believe motivates u.s. to live all-out for God (Titus ii:7-eight). This is why Paul said to " into flame" our gifts (2 Timothy one:half-dozen), because while God gave us our gifts and abilities, how well we apply ourselves, how hard we work, how much we strive to larn, and how much nosotros "chief" our capabilities is our responsibility.

Nosotros may never exist the all-time at something — but we can piece of work to be our all-time!

There is an old adage that says, "Pray as though everything depended on God; work as though everything depended on you."

Whether that is right or not, nosotros absolutely should do everything we can to hone our skills, better our abilities, and increment our cognition to become more effective.

The Old Testament contains many wise proverbs almost hard work and diligence. In the New Testament, Paul says to "work heartily" (Colossians 3:23), to "aspire to... work" (one Thessalonians 4:eleven-12), and to "non grow weary of doing good..." and to non "give upwardly" (Galatians 6:ix).

He taught Timothy that only the "hard-working farmer" volition get to savor his crops (2 Timothy two:six).

Jesus told a parable in Matthew 25 well-nigh 3 servants that a landowner entrusted his property to before going on a journey. Since the main knew what each retainer could handle, he gave each unlike amounts of resources to care for his property.

The first two servants put their money to work and doubled it, while the 3rd servant hid his in the ground for fear of losing it. When the principal returned, he was pleased with the faithfulness of the first ii servants yet angered past the third retainer's laziness.

Not just did the principal praise the faithful servants, but he also took abroad the resources from the one who had the least and gave information technology to the one with the virtually because he knew he could handle it.

In response to this parable, Jesus fabricated this statement: "For to anybody who has will more exist given, and he will have an affluence. But from the one who has non, even what he has will be taken away" (Matthew 25:29).

When we value our capabilities and respect the God who gave them to us, we will employ them to their fullest potential, making a mode for God to even equip united states of america with more capabilities and a greater platform to use them.

Your current state of affairs may very well be a test to prove your faithfulness to God and the leadership over you lot because, as Paul says, "those who serve well... gain a practiced standing for themselves and too slap-up conviction in the faith that is in Christ Jesus" (1 Timothy 3:xiii).

Identifying our natural and spiritual gifts is a crucial function of figuring out God's calling on our lives.

Because while the modern-day Church building (and ultimately the earth) certainly needs people that are gifted in communication and leadership to fill the role of pastor or preacher (ane Timothy iii), information technology also needs people who encompass their abilities and step up into the countless other roles to "government minister" wherever they live, work, learn, or play.

Being the Body of Christ

No matter what nosotros practice, our gifts all originated from God for one sole purpose: to glorify God past serving others (ane Corinthians 12:4-vii, Romans 12:iii-18).

Apostle Peter conspicuously laid this out when he wrote: "As each has received a souvenir, apply it to serve one another, as skilful stewards of God'south very grace... in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen" (one Peter four:10-11, ESV).

If yous are still struggling with determining what your capabilities are or where you fit into the trunk of Christ, know that your greatest ability is actually your availability.

God loves to apply men and women who merely present themselves to him equally "living sacrifices" in response to his grace (Romans 12:one).

For further reading:

What Are the Fruits of the Spirit?

Is There a Spiritual Gifts List?

What Is the Deviation Between Talent and Spiritual Gifts?

What Is the Spiritual Souvenir of Wisdom?

What Is the Parable of the Talents?

What Is the Meaning of the Body of Christ?

What Does it Hateful That Good Works Are the Result of Salvation?

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Mykola Sosiukin

Robert Hampshire  is a pastor, teacher, author, and leader. He has been married to Rebecca since 2008 and has three children, Brooklyn, Bryson, and Abram. Robert attended North Greenville Academy in South Carolina for his undergraduate and Freedom Academy in Virginia for his Masters. He has served in a diverseness of roles as a worship pastor, youth pastor, family unit pastor, church planter, and at present Pastor of Worship and Discipleship at Cheraw Beginning Baptist Church building in South Carolina. He furthers his ministry through his weblog site, Faithful Thinking. His life goal is to serve God and His Church by reaching the lost with the gospel, making devoted disciples, equipping and empowering others to go further in their organized religion and calling, and leading a culture of multiplication for the celebrity of God. Find out more about him hither.


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